Getting advice on integration after ketamine for depression

Read Sober Psychonaut disclaimer for people in sobriety exploring psychedelic medicine. Getting the right ketamine dosage for depression She then asked about my first ketamine journey, which I described as intense at the very beginning, as though I were going to be in that state the whole time, but then it waned and evened out and […]
What happened during my first ketamine for depression therapy session (part 1 of 2)

Read Sober Psychonaut disclaimer for people in sobriety exploring psychedelic medicine. The day is finally here! To prepare my mind and body for my first ketamine treatment, I took it easy yesterday, physically as well as dietarily. As instructed in my Mindbloom kit, enjoyed a leisurely a.m. wake-up this morning and took a nice shower, all important to “set and […]
What happened during my first ketamine for depression therapy session (part 2 of 2)

Read Sober Psychonaut disclaimer for people in sobriety exploring psychedelic medicine. After prepping my Mindbloom box contents and following instructions for preparation for ketamine therapy, i was ready to connect with Billie, my guide, who’d been texting me during the week to see if I had questions or concerns she could support me with. (Read part 1 […]
I qualified for ketamine therapy for depression

Read Sober Psychonaut disclaimer for people in sobriety exploring psychedelic medicine. That’s me at the Grand Canyon for the first time, a magnificent moment and special time with friends. Having fun with friends is part of the ketamine for depression prescription. I had my first ketamine consult and I am approved for ketamine therapy for depression! Katherine, […]
Do you know the mushroom man?

Read Sober Psychonaut disclaimer for people in sobriety exploring psychedelic medicine. Last weekend in New York tripping my way to Phoenix, I bought mushrooms of the magic variety from a menu via text and sidewalk delivery out of what looked like a pizza delivery bag. God, the guy was so sweet and courteous, describing my […]
Qualifying for ketamine and choosing someone to watch over me

Read Sober Psychonaut disclaimer for people in sobriety exploring psychedelic medicine. Now I’m wondering if I will qualify for ketamine sessions. What if I’m too “well” already? I had to take a questionnaire first and answer a bunch of questions ranging from mental health history to dependence on opioids, suicidal ideation, and what my expectations were for […]
Talking ketamine with my mom

Read Sober Psychonaut disclaimer for people in sobriety exploring psychedelic medicine. Over my birthday I was in the car with my mom, driving four hours from Maryland to Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. I told her I wanted to share something with her and I wanted her to listen with an open mind so she could know […]
Psychedelic trips and the language of travel

Read Sober Psychonaut disclaimer for people in sobriety exploring psychedelic medicine Reading Michael Pollan’s book, How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Pscychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence. Setting my own intention… I recognize that self-love and self-compassion are a weak area for me. No wonder my regular therapist repeatedly […]
Ketamine the club drug now ketamine for depression?

Read Sober Psychonaut disclaimer for people in sobriety exploring psychedelic medicine. Back in the day the gay boys in New York called me Special K⏤nicknamed like the hardcore club drug “ketamine” we used to snort on the dance floor at Sound Factory. Special K was what we did coming down after a night of dancing, sweating, […]
The Eiffel Tower’s not black (and other things I’d forgotten about Paris)

That summer we arrived in Paris like we owned the place. At 15, that’s how you feel. Especially when you’ve left your own country for the first time and had a taste of freedom that can never be reversed. In London we ordered chalices of beer and no one blinked. In Paris we bought cigarettes, […]