Setting intention for my second ketamine session

Read Sober Psychonaut disclaimer for people in sobriety exploring psychedelic medicine.

Tomorrow’s intention for my second ketamine session for depression.

I have all of this:



My intention is to have such CLARITY about what to do with:

  • My psychedelic experience
  • My writing
  • My Costa Rica project

My future.

And to be at perfect peace and ease about where it all is—and isn’t.

I’m feeling anxious because I want to be ahead of something. I want to write. I want to sell books. I want to make money. Influence people’s lives. Change people’s minds, and do it in sync with and ahead of what’s about to happen. The Psychedelic Trend. FOMO.

And…clarity around whether my psychedelic journey informs my memoir or if it’s completely separate.

Letting go of all fear and anxiety about the unfolding and how to have the money to do everything I want to do.
How to have time to make it happen.
Whether it will come together at all.
Just letting be and letting me…be.

I want to:

  • Connect with my (deceased) father again
  • I want to see my (deceased) brother Jesse again
  • I want to have guidance from them
  • I want them to help me with my story
  • I want to be clear, solid, confident, proud, amazing

I want to feel love for all that I am.

So here’s my intention my second ketamine session for December 12, 2021:



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